About Deb Lawrence
Education and helping others have always been big parts of Deb’s life. She taught high school Home Economics then earned a master’s degree in Family Studies at Purdue University. She later worked in the Education Department at Trinity College (Deefield, IL). In between all of this classroom time, Deb married Tom in 1984.

Baby Business
Sara, the first of three, was born in July of 1989. Deb and Tom were really looking forward to a natural birth after taking a hospital birthing class and reading Natural Childbirth the Bradley® Way. Unfortunately, Sara was breech (head up). The day she was born began with a version (turning the baby head down) then induction of labor. By afternoon baby Sara’s heart rate was going dangerously low because their little girl had tangled the cord in her tiny fingers and shoved her hand up by her head. That led to a surgical birth (cesarean), but a healthy baby girl!
Can you teach this?
Two more children (Kris, December 1991, and Rachel, October 1993) were born while the family lived overseas. Finally, Deb and Tom got their wishes for natural births. Both births were unmedicated VBACs (vaginal birth after cesarean). Deb was able to significantly ease her labor experience by incorporating the techniques she learned from the Bradley® book. The doctor for Rachel’s birth was so impressed with some of these techniques she witnessed during the labor that she asked Deb, “Can you teach this?” That question led to Deb’s training and certification as a Bradley Method® instructor.
Birthing Philosophy
Deb says, “A successful birth is one in which the couple has made informed decisions all along based on the labor they are given. There is a place for each and every intervention but, for heaven’s sake, let’s quit using them routinely!” Usually, the less interventions a mom experiences, the better her recovery. Deb is committed to helping couples have minimal unnecessary intervention to achieve their birth. She has supported both hospital birth and home birth. Magic Hands and Deb Lawrence would love to serve you and help you make the most of your birth experience.
A Christian perspective on birth and life
Born and bred in the American heartland, Deb is the daughter of a Christian Church minister. She and her husband served in southeast Asia for a few years (1990-1994) as Christian missionaries. Two of her three children were born in the Philippines. Deb believes that each life is a sacred gift from God and realizes the spiritual elements of bringing new life into the world. Many of Magic Hands clientele are Christian, but she welcomes friends and clients from all perspectives.
Natural Childbirth Teacher and Doula
Deb has been continuously teaching childbirth classes since January of 1996. She loves the opportunity to provide knowledge, skills and courage to birthing couples through the classes. In the spring of 1999 she began taking doula clients as well – and has now successfully completed over 500 births and counting! In 2011 she joined with other childbirth educators from around the country to establish Informed Beginnings, a contemporary, comprehensive childbirth education organization. Come join her in an Informed Beginnings class!
A Leader in her Field
In order to expand her knowledge and skills, Deb also received DONA (Doula of North America) training and certification. She served as a founding member and the Secretary/Treasurer for the NorthEastern Illinois Doula Association. She currently serves as President of Informed Beginnings (www.informedbeginnings.org). A technique she developed to encourage posterior babies to turn to a better position is now being taught on SpinningBabies.com. She continually attends conferences and birthy events – and even speaks sometimes.