Informed Beginnings Childbirth Classes

Informed Beginnings classes cover the following topics (and more) in a 9-week class series.  (It’s like several classes all in one!)

  1. Introductions, Exercise and Movement, Pregnancy and Gestation
  2. Nutrition, Managing Common Discomforts, Making Good Choices, Partner Role
  3. Stages and Management of Labor and Delivery I
  4. Stages and Management of Labor and Delivery II
  5. Risks and Benefits of Medical Procedures, Conserving Energy in Normal Labor
  6. Managing Variations and Complications, Postpartum care
  7. Review!
  8. Breastfeeding information and skills
  9. Newborn characteristics – the group will decide whether to meet in person or receive the information as a home study class.
Deb has been continuously teaching childbirth classes since January of 1996. She loves the opportunity to provide knowledge, skills and courage to birthing couples through the classes. In 2011 she joined with other childbirth educators from around the country to establish Informed Beginnings, a contemporary, comprehensive childbirth education organization.


October 20 – December 8

6:00 pm – 8:45 pm


In person with plenty of room to spread out

The Loft Wheaton
130 W Willow
Wheaton IL 60187
(above A Baby Naturally)

Call or text Deb at 630.202.3641 or email at for more information about registering for this series.